American Jokes 68

Behind every successful man stands a devoted wife and a surprised mother-in-law.

The modern girl usually gets along fine with her mother-in-law because she can not afford another baby sitter.

There is only one beautiful child in the world, and every mother has it.

Sometimes you cannot tell if a man is trying so hard to be a success to please his wife or to spite his mother-in-law.

Parents spend the first three years of a child's life trying to get him to talk... and the next sixteen years trying to get him to shutup.

She is the kind of girl who does not care for a man's company - unless he owns it.

She did not want to marry him for his money, but she just could not figure out any other way to get it.

One way for a girl to get a mink coat is to find a wolf and skin him.

Short skirts have a tendency to make men polite. Have you ever seen a man get on a bus ahead of one?

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Behind every ...


There is only ...

Sometimes you cannot ...
男が必死に成功しようと努力するとき、それが妻を喜ばせたいためなのか、妻の母親 を見下したいためなのか、しばしば判断がつかないものである。



She did not ...
彼女はお金のためにその男と結婚したいとは思わなかった。 ただ、他の方法を思いつかなかっただけだ。


Short skirts ...
ミニスカートは男を親切にする傾向がある。 男がミニスカートの女性より先にバスに乗り込むことはない。


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